Volume 5: American Indian Jewelry I
1,200 Artist Biographies
Hardback: $70
Special Edition: $350

American Indian Jewelry I is a standard reference for American Indian jewelry, along with American Indian Jewelry II: A-L and American Indian Jewelry III: M-Z, a set of three volumes, with over 5,000 American Indian artist biographies.
This volume profiles over 1,200 Indian jewelers from all tribes over the past two centuries. The text is illustrated with over 2,000 photographs.
This book was created with the cooperation of Indian artists. Through artist surveys, archival research and personal interviews, information was collected in 25 categories: including the artist's tribe, clan, active years, type of jewelry, lifespan, family relationships, education, teachers, students, awards, exhibitions, collections, forms, techniques, materials, favorite designs, and publications. Websites and email addresses were listed when possible. Many completed a personal statement, "I enjoy creating artwork, because..." Some wrote or narrated autobiographical statements.